Medical Abortion Training Guide

The Ipas Medical Abortion (MA) Training Program is intended to help train clinicians on the use of rst trimester MA, particularly in limited-resource settings. It has three major components:

  • Self-directed study
  • In-person workshop
  • Clinical practicum

This blended learning approach combines learning essential information through self-guided study with skills development in a workshop setting to then apply to work situations through the practicum.

As a participant in this training program, individuals are required to complete the Medical Abortion Study Guide prior to attending the workshop and practicum. There will be a pre-test prior to
or on the rst day of the workshop covering the information included in the MA Study Guide. Learners must score 75 percent on this test in order to participate in the workshop and practicum. This requirement will provide all trainees a base of knowledge to then focus classroom time on interactive discussion for deeper learning during the workshop.